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Oil and Gas Industry Equipment Distributor
Why Choose

Trusted distributor of Oil & Gas Industry products, all our products are labeled SNI and guaranteed.


All of our products have been tested and boast top-quality in their class, guaranteeing durability and longevity.

Best Price

You don’t need to worry about the price, all of our products are sold at affordable prices.

Accros all of Indonesia

Our products are ready to be shipped to all regions in Indonesia using trusted shipping services.

Drilling rigs, or boreholes, are installations used to drill holes beneath the ground surface to explore or extract natural resources, such as oil and natural gas. Drilling rigs can be divided into two main types: onshore rigs and offshore rigs.

Onshore rigs are built on land and used to drill wells onshore. These rigs are generally simpler and cheaper to operate. On the other hand, offshore rigs are built in offshore waters and used to drill wells offshore. These rigs are typically more complex and require more advanced technology.

Drilling rig operations involve several stages, including site preparation, hole drilling, and evaluation of drilling results. Additionally, safety and environmental protection aspects are also highly emphasized in drilling rig operations.

PT. Vertical Nine Power, based in Indonesia, has carved out a prominent place in the industry landscape. With extensive experience and consistently providing cutting-edge solutions, our company has become more trusted in the oil and gas sector.


We sell oil and gas industry equipment with the highest quality, and they have been tested and labeled SNI, ensuring precision and accuracy.

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